Teacher Education

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The Iyengar Yoga National Association of the US is the governing body that administers certification. This process is singular to Iyengar Yoga, and is often referred to as the gold standard of yoga teaching credentials. It is highly rigorous. Prospective teachers confirm their dedication through years of studying yoga. Additional teacher education includes the study of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, philosophy, practical teaching methods, and how to help those with common conditions/ailments. Candidates for certification apply to an assessment process that includes recommendations by a mentoring teacher, a review of study and teaching experience. The process culminates in a comprehensive examination.

One of the hallmarks of IYNAUS examination is the candidate teacher is evaluated by a panel of three assessors who is not their teacher. Once the candidate is qualified they are a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT) and must complete continuing education requirements in order to maintain their professional status and membership of IYNAUS. The process of teacher education and evaluation is repeated with higher standards at additional levels of certification. 

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Teacher Education Materials

Explore LoisSteinberg.com for access to various teacher education materials including: free articles, information about upcoming workshops, and an entire webpage dedicated to CIYT Only materials (including rentable lectures, courses and recorded workshops).